Michael Ford
About (Fordy) Michael

As well as winning English BJJ and British BJJ titles, among several other notable awards, Fordy started training Muay Thai back in 2005, initially to lose weight and have some fun, both were achieved, in a big way! Within around a year of training and several stone lighter, he soon started traveling to various interclubs and competitions across the country, with great success, racking up the fights, as well as balancing a demanding, full-time job.

A Black Belt In BJJ, Michael continues to compete in Jiu Jitsu in the UK and Europe (at the ripe old age of 45). He has also competed, from time to time, in Triathlon, Cycling and Running races. Also enjoying, climbing, yoga and creating music.

As is the Iceni ethos, Fordy wants nothing more than to build a strong community of fighters, fitness fanatics and like-minded individuals that can rely on each other to take themselves and motivate their fellow members to move to the next level.

Fordy is a Level 3 Personal Trainer and holds a Diploma in Nutrition. With several years experience working in a running kitchens as a chef (in a previous life), he is able to create not only nutritious diet plans, specific to performance and weight loss but also delicious ones too!